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Click for details about Teething Combo 6X 1 oz spray

Click for details about Testosterone 6X 1 oz with 800 pellets

Click for details about Thiosinaminum 30C economy 800 pellets

Click for details about Thrush Combo 6X NEW economy 1 oz with 800 pellets Intro offer
(1)  Teething Combo 6X 1 oz spray  
(2)  Testosterone 6X 1 oz with 800 pellets  
(3)  Thiosinaminum 30C economy 800 pellets  
(4)  Thrush Combo 6X NEW economy 1 oz with 800 pellets Intro offer  
Teething Combo with minerals to work with the body for healthy gums and enamel. Use Teething Combo for any age for dental discomfort and gum swelling, SUGGESTED DOSE: 2 to 3 sprays as one do (more info)  
Testosterone in homeopathic potency for safe maintenance dosing. Homeopathic potency eliminates concerns with getting the correct amount. Testosterone 6X can be taken before and after exercise. Improv (more info)  
Thiosinaminum is a remedy for scarring issues. Internal or external scar tissue. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia lists Thiosinaminum as acting as a solvent for dissolving scar tissue, tumors, stricture (more info)  
Sales Price: $15.99
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Buy Teething Combo 6X 1 oz spray
Sales Price: $22.00
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Buy Testosterone 6X 1 oz with 800 pellets
Sales Price: $26.00
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Buy Thiosinaminum 30C economy 800 pellets
Sales Price: $15.99
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Buy Thrush Combo 6X NEW economy 1 oz with 800 pellets Intro offer

Click for details about Thuja  200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about Thuja 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about Thymuline 12C economy 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about Thyroid Gland 6C economy 1 oz 800 pellets 15% SALE
(5)  Thuja 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
(6)  Thuja 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
(7)  Thymuline 12C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
(8)  Thyroid Gland 6C economy 1 oz 800 pellets 15% SALE  
Thuja is a top infection remedy. Thuja or may be spelled or pronounced Thuya is an important ear, foot, skin, nail fungus. Thuja is a must to add to your health plan when dealing with ear, foot, skin, (more info)  
Thuja teams well with other remedies. For animals team with Lyssinum. For humans team with immune remedies.  Thuja or may be spelled or pronounced Thuya. Thuja is an important fungus remedy. Thuj (more info)  
Thymuline supports the immune system making Thymuline  a great remedy at the change of seasons and anytime you are more at risk for illness. Add Thymuline to your health plan if you are envi (more info)  
The remedy names Thyroidinum and Thyroid Gland are synonymous terms.  Thyroid Gland 6C potency supports thyroid function and is the correct potency for low (hypothyroid) / and for high (hyperthyr (more info)  
Sales Price: $28.99
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Buy Thuja  200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $22.00
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Buy Thuja 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $22.00
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Buy Thymuline 12C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $15.99
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Buy Thyroid Gland 6C economy 1 oz 800 pellets 15% SALE

Click for details about Tremor Combo 30C  economy 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about  Select Your Special Order and potency 1 fluid ounce spray top

Click for details about *Flu Health Kit  2023-2024 3 products, 3 oz total

Click for details about *Memory Combo 30C economy 800 pellets
(9)  Tremor Combo 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
(10)  Select Your Special Order and potency 1 fluid ounce spray top  
(11)  *Flu Health Kit 2023-2024 3 products, 3 oz total  
(12)  *Memory Combo 30C economy 800 pellets  
Tremor Combo is a blend of four nerve protective remedies for tremor related afflictions. Essential Tremor Combo is a unique formula to Elixirs.com. Tremors are unintentional trembling or shaking of c (more info)  
Can't find your remedy? Order your quantity here and hit buy button. After basket checkout look for the COMMENT BOX. Hand type in your special order remedy name. Remember to add your requested potency (more info)  
Flu Health Kit 2023-2024. Flu Health Kit is updated 2023-2024 seasonal 3 remedy set. The Flu Health Kit will be a great addition to your family's health plan. Updated Flu Health Kit pro (more info)  
Memory Combo is a blend of remedies to support memory functions. Use Memory Combo for poor concentration, poor retention, forgetfulness. Memory Combo offers a synergistic blend of remedies for brain (more info)  
Sales Price: $26.99
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Buy Tremor Combo 30C  economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $28.99
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Buy  Select Your Special Order and potency 1 fluid ounce spray top
Sales Price: $62.00
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Buy *Flu Health Kit  2023-2024 3 products, 3 oz total
Sales Price: $25.99
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Buy *Memory Combo 30C economy 800 pellets

Click for details about *Select Your Special Order and potency economy 800 pellets

Click for details about *Stomach Blend with H Pylori 30C economy 800 pellets special 15% SALE

Click for details about *Stomach Combo 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about *Virus Combo 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
(13)  *Select Your Special Order and potency economy 800 pellets  
(14)  *Stomach Blend with H Pylori 30C economy 800 pellets special 15% SALE  
(15)  *Stomach Combo 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
(16)  *Virus Combo 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
Can't find your remedy? Order your quantity here and hit buy button. After basket checkout look for the COMMENT BOX. Hand type in your special order remedy name. Remember to add your requested potency (more info)  
Stomach Blend 30C 15% SALE Regularly $20, now $16.99. Stomach Blend can be used for symptoms of nausea, burning stomach pain, burping, and/ or bloating. *Stomach Blend is a blend of Stomach 30C and  (more info)  
Stomach Combo is helpful for a wide range of stomach ailments. Use Stomach Combo for symptom relief from pain, food sensitivities, acid reflux. Stomach Combo for symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux  (more info)  
Virus Combo 30C potency for general viruses, such as colds and flu. Virus Combo 30C is used for post viral health issues for improved recovery from lingering fatigue and malaise. Virus Combo is used f (more info)  
Sales Price: $26.99
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Buy *Select Your Special Order and potency economy 800 pellets
Sales Price: $16.99
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Buy *Stomach Blend with H Pylori 30C economy 800 pellets special 15% SALE
Sales Price: $19.99
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Buy *Stomach Combo 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $22.49
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Buy *Virus Combo 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about *Winter Tonic 2023-2024 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about 12 Cell Salts All  In One 12X  economy 1 oz 800 pellets 20% SALE

Click for details about 12 Cell Salts All In One 12X  economy 1 oz 800 pellets 20% SALE

Click for details about 12 Cell Salts All In One 12X 1 oz spray 15% SALE
(17)  *Winter Tonic 2023-2024 1 oz 800 pellets  
(18)  12 Cell Salts All In One 12X economy 1 oz 800 pellets 20% SALE  
(19)  12 Cell Salts All In One 12X economy 1 oz 800 pellets 20% SALE  
(20)  12 Cell Salts All In One 12X 1 oz spray 15% SALE  
Winter Tonic updated 2023-2024. Winter Tonic  Economy 1 oz with 800 pellets. Safe for all ages. Natural support for your health. Winter Tonic is for immune support, illnesses, flu, colds, r (more info)  
Great combination of the 12 basic Cell Salts. 12 Cell Salts All in One offers minerals the body uses for the immune system, to fight infection and inflammation. Can be used regularly for the immune sy (more info)  
Great combination of the 12 basic Cell Salts. 12 Cell Salts All in One offers minerals the body uses for the immune system, to fight infection and inflammation. $30 VALUE, 20% SALE, NOW $24. Can be us (more info)  
12 Cell Salts All in One / All 12 in One is homeopathy's one-a-.day. Suitable for all ages. 12 Cell Salts All in One offers immune support by enhancing absorption of nutrients for cellular activ (more info)  
Sales Price: $22.00
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Buy *Winter Tonic 2023-2024 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $24.00
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Buy 12 Cell Salts All  In One 12X  economy 1 oz 800 pellets 20% SALE
Sales Price: $24.00
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Buy 12 Cell Salts All In One 12X  economy 1 oz 800 pellets 20% SALE
Sales Price: $18.99
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Buy 12 Cell Salts All In One 12X 1 oz spray 15% SALE

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