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Product: *Stomach Combo 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
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Stomach Combo is helpful for a wide range of stomach ailments. Use Stomach Combo for symptom relief from pain, food sensitivities, acid reflux. Stomach Combo for symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. GERD is the term for chronic acid reflux. GERD is when a person experiences symptoms of acid reflux more than twice a week. 20% of the population suffers from GERD.

Stomach Combo is our "sooth the stomach" product. Use for pain from ulcers, indigestion and heartburn.

Customer Testimonials: "I would like to thank you for your products, specifically for Stomach Combo! I have been using it for awhile now and it is extremely helpful and really works! "R.G. Australia.

"Stomach Combo works even better than the Stomach tabs it replaces, I believe the addition of organ remedy stomach makes the difference," J.H. TX.

"Stomach Combo worked for my burping and heartburn better than when using probiotics and digestive enzymes," A.M. PA.

Stomach Combo includes 2 top homeopathic digestion remedies: Carbo Veg and Nux Vomica.

Stomach Combo contains:

Stomach Combo contains: Nux Vomica for relief from nervous stomach; eating spicy food or bad combination of foods; overuse of alcohol.

Stomach Combo contains Carbo Veg. Carbo Veg helps for symptoms of leaky gut syndrome, such as bloating, gas, cramping, and stomach pain. Calms your digestive system from overeating, eating wrong foods, poor or slow digestion, eating bad combinations of food, GERD, belching. Carbo Veg is indicated for conditions from toxicity such as fatigue, constipation and diarrhea, Carbo Veg helps absorb toxins so great for stomach ulcers, bloating, pain. Carbo Veg sooths stomach and intestinal pain, relieves nausea.

Stomach Combo contains Argentum Nit for bloating, belching, bothersome burping, gas, heartburn, stomach ulcers.

Stomach Combo contains Stomach 30C potency to support stomach function. Stomach 30C is part of homeopathic organ therapy. Organ therapy / Organotherapy / Sarcodes - refer to homeopathic potency of organs or glands to support and regulate the organs and glands of the body. Organ therapy is effective in helping the body function in a healthy balanced manner. The idea of organ therapy was promoted in the 1800's by Constantine Hering M.D. Homeopathy supports the function of the organ by improving absorption of enzymes and certain nucleic acids lacking in the organ. Organotherapy, the use of Sarcodes works on the premise that: 1. A homeopathic gland acts upon its corresponding gland. 2. Medium potencies such as 30C balance, support and regulate corresponding gland or organ function. 

Stomach Combo is offered as complementary alternative medicine (CAM).Homeopathy is not a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment. Stomach Combo 30C in an economy 1 oz bottle of 800 pellets with 265 doses. Pellets are in a base of sucrose and non-gmo cornstarch.

Specialty Combo formulated by Kathryn Jones Homeopathic Specialist. Purchase 2 or more Specialty Combos, mix or match, for $1 off each.


One dose is 3 pellets, taken at one time. Slowly chew and dissolve the pellets in the mouth.

Use one dose before all meals to help with leaky gut, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and reflux. Take an additional dose after meals for more severe symptoms.

USE AS A FIRST AID TREATMENT: One dose every 15 minutes for 4 doses.

FOR CHRONIC SYMPTOMS: Use one dose 3 times daily. After all symptoms have ceased for 2 weeks, use less frequently. 

MAINTENANCE DOSE: One dose daily. 

NIGHTTIME REFLUX: One dose in the evening. Additional dose before bedtime.

$20.99 Buy *Stomach Combo 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets