Lac Maternum is helpful for free floating anxiety and worry.
Lac Maternum may be thought of as an emotional balancing remedy. Lac Maternum
helps with anxiety, depression and sadness. Lac Maternum of (more info) |
Lachesis for women's concerns, perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms, Lachesis for mental distress, anxiety, discouragement. Lachesis is helpful for the person who is pessimistic about thei (more info) |
LEDUM for injuries, swelling, tissue trauma.LEDUM is useful for lyme concerns. LEDUM can be used with our Lyme Tick Bites Balance.
LEDUM is useful following dental work, medical
procedures, falls, (more info) |
Leptospirosis 30C for animals. All dogs are at risk for the bacterial infection, regardless of age, breed, or environment. Leptospirosis 30C should be included with your pet's health program and (more info) |
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Lipocyte in a higher 200C potency for fatty tissue concerns. Lipocyte, or Lipocite, 200C addresses fatty deposits, fatty tissue pockets, belly fat and other areas of fat storing cell imbal (more info) |
Use Homeopathic Liver to support liver function. Homeopathic organ remedy Liver 6C supports the important detoxing abilities of the liver. Liver6 30C stimulates the liver's ability to properly clean a (more info) |
Liver Cleanse Combo offers
remedies to tone, support and cleanse the liver and gallbladder. All ages can benefit from a healthy liver. Toxins, pollution, medications can stress the liver. Liver Clean (more info) |
Lung Combo 200C potency, on SPECIAL now $24, $29 VALUE. Use Lung Combo before and after exposure to poor air quality, such as; smoke or fire particles in the air; including exposure to allergens; (more info) |
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Lung Combo 30C, new LOWER PRICE. Use Lung Combo before and after exposure to poor air quality, such as; smoke or fire particles in the air; including exposure to allergens; or seasonal environmen (more info) |
Lyme Tick Bites Balance is a product used for lyme or
tick concerns. Now in a economy 1 oz size with 800 pellets. Lyme Tick Bites Balance is a combination of supportive
remedies. Includes important (more info) |
Lymphatic product supports the lymphatic system. Use Lymphatic for cleansing. Lymphatic product maintains the lymph system for issues of chemical and environmental sensitivities. U (more info) |
Lyssinum for animals. Lyssinum should be included as an important part of your pet's health
program and rabies and shot concerns. Lyssinum may also be spelled Lyssin or Hydrophobium. Bonus size (more info) |
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Lyssinum for animals. Lyssinum should be included as an important part of your pet's health program and rabies and shot concerns. Lyssinum may also be spelled Lyssin or Hydrophobium. Bonus size o (more info) |
Can't find your remedy? Order your quantity here and hit buy button. After basket checkout look for the COMMENT BOX. Hand type in your special order remedy name. Remember to add your requested potency (more info) |
Flu Health Kit 2024-2025. Flu Health Kit is updated 2024-2025 seasonal 3 remedy set. The Flu Health Kit will be a great addition to your family's health plan. Updated Flu Health Kit pro (more info) |
Memory Combo is a blend of remedies to support memory
functions. Use Memory Combo for poor concentration, poor retention,
forgetfulness. Memory Combo offers a synergistic blend of remedies for brain (more info) |
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Can't find your remedy? Order your quantity here and hit buy button. After basket checkout look for the COMMENT BOX. Hand type in your special order remedy name. Remember to add your requested potency (more info) |
Stomach Blend can be used for symptoms of nausea, burning stomach pain,
burping, and/ or bloating. Stomach Blend is a blend of Stomach 30C and H Pylori 30C. Specific for H Pylori infections. Possible (more info) |
Stomach Combo is helpful for a wide range of stomach
ailments. Use Stomach Combo for symptom relief from pain, food sensitivities,
acid reflux. Stomach Combo for symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux
(more info) |
Virus Combo 30C potency for general viruses, such as colds and flu. Virus Combo 30C is used for post viral health issues for improved recovery from lingering fatigue and malaise. Virus Combo is used f (more info) |
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