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Product: Kali Phos #6 Cell Salt 6X economy 1 oz with 800 pellets 15% SALE
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Kali Phos 6X potency for Cell Salt dosing. Use Kali Phos for energy, for help with difficulty concentrating, mental fatigue, problems focusing. Stay calmer, alert in the day and sleeping better at night. $20 VALUE, SALE PRICE $16.99. 

 Kali Phos has often been referred to as the pick-me-up remedy. And with good reason. Kali Phos is from the mineral Potassium Phosphate, an important electrolyte that is crucial for energy-mental and physical. Potassium supports the adrenals, so is helpful for stressful times that can overtax the adrenals. Kali phos is helpful for tension headaches associated with intellectual fatigue. Kali Phos is safe for stress of teenagers and adults. Use prior to exams or presentations for a clear mind. Nervous headaches with indigestion. Mental fatigue with irritability. Jet lag and motion sickness, take prior to traveling and following few days. Kali Phos is from the mineral potassium phosphate. Also known as Kali Phosphoricum.

Dosage and potency guidelines.

Pellets are lactose free, sucrose and NON GMO cornstarch base. 

SUGGESTED DOSE: 3 pellets at one time as one dose.

3 doses daily for symptom relief. 

For general health maintenance: Take one dose daily.

$16.99 Buy Kali Phos #6 Cell Salt  6X economy 1 oz with 800 pellets 15% SALE