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Product: Hepar Sulphur 30C economy 1 oz pellets
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Hepar Sulphur is a remedy indicated for skin conditions. Hepar Sulphur is a favorite remedy for acne as it helps the skin to clear faster. .Economy 1 oz bottle of 800 pellets-250 doses. Hepar Sulphur is an importance remedy for teen and adult acne. Safe for pre teen, tweens, teens. 

Provings include Hepar Sulphur helping with symptoms of eczemas, eruptions with or without pus. Sensitive skin, pimples. 
Hepar Sulphur relieves symptoms of colds and sore throats. Hepar Sulphur helps with the croup, croupy cough following exposure to the cold. Hepar Sulphur helps with painful and hoarse dry cough worsened by cold weather. Sneezing and runny nose whenever exposed to cold dry winds. Coughs and sore throats where something feels like it is stuck in the throat.
Earaches with discharge, swollen lymph glands, boils.
Digestive problems with smelly, offensive stools.
Person often feels chilly, is irritable and oversensitive to surroundings.
Worse with cold applications.

Hepar Sulphur is an important polycrest remedy. Hepar Sulphur, also known as Calcium Sulphide of Hahnemann, and sulphur of lime. Complete name Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, is from an sulphide of Calcium. 

Hepar Sulphur's Mini Materia Medica:
Abscesses: Helpful in later stages of an abscess. Hepar sulphur given at this time will often cause the abscess to come to a head and drain.
Acne: Beneficial for skin that is unhealthy, easily infected. Slow to heal acne. Teen acne and pimples.

Ear Infections: Helpful for ear infection that feels like something is sticking in the ears. Stitching pains, discharge from ears, pain is unbearable and makes child irritable. Wants to cover the ears.
Colds: Useful for late stages of stuffy colds.
Cough: Helpful for hoarse, rattling, wheezing, choking cough. Suffocating attacks. May cough up thick yellow mucus.
Croup: Useful for loose, rattling cough. Deep, barking voice. Follows Aconite & Spongia; may prevent recurrence.
Hoarseness: Beneficial for person who loses voice, croaks.

Dosage and potency guidelines.Hepar Sulphur also goes by the names Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum; Calc Sulfide; Calcarea Sulfide; #18 Cell Salt; Hepar Sulfur; Hepar Sulphur Calcarea and abbreviation Hepar Sulph or Hepar Sul.

General dose-3 pellets taken 3 times a day. Use with less frequency as improvement is made.
Economy 1 oz bottle of 680 pellets, over 9 times more pellets than multidose tubes!
Dosage and potency guidelines.

$24.00 Buy Hepar Sulphur 30C economy 1 oz pellets