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12 Cell Salts All In One 12X economy 1 oz 800 pellets 20% SALE
Euphrasia Officinalis 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Eye Glaucoma 30C economy 800 pellets
Eye Totalis 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Great combination of the 12 basic Cell Salts. 12 Cell Salts All in One offers minerals the body uses for the immune system, to fight infection and inflammation. Can be used regularly for the immune sy
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Euphrasia officinalis is from the herb Eyebright and known for eye support for humans and animals. Euphrasia is listed as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Use for irritated eyes. &n
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Eye Glaucoma Combo has a supportive blend of remedies for eye health. Use Eye Glaucoma Combo as a supportive part of your health plan for glaucoma concerns. Eye Glaucoma Combo is a unique formu
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Eye 30C or Eye Totalis is homeopathic potency of eye. Homeopathic Organ therapy / Organotherapy / Sarcodes - refer to homeopathic potency of organs to support and regulate the organs and g
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Puffy Eye Combo 30C economy 800 pellets 20% SALE
Sepia 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Staphysagria 30C economy 800 pellets
Puffy Eye Combo is a new product to address problems in and around the eyes. Regularly $22, 15% off, now $18.59. Puffy Eye Combo is a combination of remedies to help with dark circles, sagging or puff
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Sepia 30C potency for eye health. Sepia is listed for symptoms of floaters, and black spots in the eye. Sepia is listed for eye symptoms of glare, flashes or streaks of light. Use after eyes feel tire
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Staphysagria 30C potency for eye symptoms. Staphysagria is listed for inflammation of eyes. Staphysagria is well-known as a stye remedy. Redness in the eyeball. Staphysagria is listed for e
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Specialty Combos by Kathryn Jones for ELIXIRS.COM
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