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Product: Multiple Glandular for Weight Loss Combo 12C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
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Boost your metabolism and curb your appetite with Multiple Glandular Support for Weight Loss Combo. Special glandular formula only from ELIXIRS. Multiple Glandular for Weight Loss addresses glandular concerns such as a sluggish thyroid, excess appetite, and low metabolism. Multiple Glandular for Weight Loss offers well balanced glandular support. Multiple Glandular for Weight Loss addresses concerns with hard to lose weight.

Multiple Gland Support for Weight Loss Combo works to balance glandular function. Combo includes remedies to enhance metabolism and fat burning.

Multiple Gland Support for Weight Loss Combo includes the following gland and organ support: Adrenalinum Sarcode (Adrenal Gland); Hypothalamus; Pineal; Thymus Sarcode (Thymus Gland); Thyroidinum Sarcode (Thyroid Gland); Liver; and Pancreas.

The hypothalamus is responsible for hunger and appetite. Homeopathic Hypothalamus may help in curbing hunger, overeating and the regulation of appetite. Homeopathic Hypothalamus may help in decreasing food intake and increasing energy output. Supporting the hypothalamus may be a useful addition to your weight loss program. A balanced hypothalamus is responsible for normal appetite. Homeopathic hypothalamus helps the gland function correctly. A balanced hypothalamus provides messages for normal appetite and prevents overeating. There are different hypotheses related to this hypothalamus regulation such as adipose tissue produces a signal that is proportionate to the amount of fat and acts on the hypothalamus to decrease food intake and increase energy output. It has been evident that a hormone leptin acts on the hypothalamus to decrease food intake and increase energy output. 

Multiple Glandular for Weight Loss Combo includes Thyroid 12C to boost metabolism and to improve daily energy. The Thyroid Gland controls the body's metabolic rate. Imbalance with thyroid function can result in weight gain; cold hands and feet; low energy physically and mentally.

Multiple Glandular for Weight Loss Combo includes Adrenal 12C. Imbalance with adrenal function can increase blood sugar, and weight gain. Adrenal 12C helps with stress eating. Adrenal 12C to support adrenal function and avoid adrenal exhaustion.

Multiple Glandular for Weight Loss includes Liver 12C to improve fat burning and to boost metabolism.

Multiple Glandular Support for Weight Loss keeps the glands functioning as a team and prevents further imbalance that is often the problem when suffering from low energy and weight gain.

Multiple Glandular Support for Weight Loss can be used safely with other supplements or weight loss medications.

Here are a few of the many positive comments we receive, "I was addressing all the glandulars individually. It was time consuming and I was frustrated. Kathryn suggested that I use the Multiple Glandular Support. It has been a miracle, I no longer use any of the other numerous glandulars. I have more energy and sleep better than I have in years." Joyce G from MS.

"I am using the Multiple Glandular for hypothyroidism that occurred following menopause. I find that I am calmer and have greater stamina.  Since I began the Multiple Glandular I know that it is the strongest remedy I have tried. I no longer experience the heart pain I formerly had when I was exposed to cold. I tolerate cold better. I have also noticed an improvement in my immunity. I resist infection better. I recommend Multiple Glandular to all persons with any glandular problem. It is important to recognize that, since all glands all work together, it may be counter-productive to only treat one glandular condition.--N".

All remedies in 12C potency for gland and organ support and balance. Organ therapy / Organotherapy / Sarcodes -  refer to homeopathic potency of organs or glands to support and regulate the organs and glands of the body.    

Organ therapy is effective in helping the body function in a healthy balanced manner. The idea of organ therapy was promoted in the 1800's by Constantine Hering M.D.  Homeopathy supports the function of the organ by improving absorption of enzymes and certain nucleic acids lacking in the organ.

Organotherapy, glandular therapy, and the use of Sarcodes works on the premise that:

1. A homeopathic gland acts upon its corresponding gland.

2. Medium potencies such as 12C balance, support and regulate corresponding gland or organ function.

ECONOMY 1 oz with 800 pellets for 265 doses. Pellets are sucrose/ cornstarch base.

Specialty Combo formulated by Kathryn Jones Homeopathic Specialist. Purchase 2 or more Specialty Combos, mix or match, for $1 off each.


A single dose, taken at one time, is 3 pellets. You may put pellets under the tongue, or slowly chew and dissolve on the tongue.

Take one dose first thing in your day to start your weight loss day with top energy. Take a 2nd dose in 2 hours. May also take before a meal or before food cravings.

Since product includes adrenal, some people find more effective taking only early in the day. Start with dose above first. After a week, you may add a dose to see if you feel better. Evaluate and increase or decrease your dose weekly to find your best dose.

$22.99 Buy Multiple Glandular for Weight Loss Combo 12C economy 1 oz 800 pellets