Brain 1M can be used following falls or accidents or brain injury. Brain 1M may be used for symptoms relating to brain function. Whole Brain includes Cerebellum. 1M potency may help to protect brain tissue and used in conjunction with other therapies. Brain 1M may be used for symptoms relating to brain dysfunction such as brain damage, memory, loss of function, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia.
"For issues of brain fog: Brain 1M added with your Memory Combo 30C has worked really well," E. A.
Organ therapy / Organotherapy / Sarcodes - refer to homeopathic potency of organs or glands to support and regulate the organs and glands of the body.
Organ therapy is effective in helping the body function in a healthy balanced manner. The idea of organ therapy was promoted in the 1800's by Constantine Hering M.D. Homeopathy supports the function of the organ by improving absorption of enzymes and certain nucleic acids lacking in the organ.
Organotherapy, the use of Sarcodes works on the premise that:
* A homeopathic gland acts upon its corresponding gland.
Suggested Dose:
3 pellets taken at one time as one dose. Allow to dissolve in mouth if possible.
Take one dose two times a day.
Can use safely with other products or medications.