Plantago 6X for pain from abscesses. Easy to use spray top. Plantago is from the plant Plantain, known for its soothing properties. Plantago tincture is great for infections and pain relief.
Emergency remedy for toothache, gumboil, gum abscess prior to being able to get to the dentist. Use at first signs of infection. Use to calm sharp pains between ears and teeth. Plantago may help with problems of slow decay by the gum line.
Can spray on the abscess or sensitive area for numbing and healing properties. Dilute for children since in a alcohol base. Lessen problems of sensitive teeth, lessen pain from a toothache with pain going into ears or eyes, lessen inflammation with pain worse in open air.
2-3 sprays 4 times daily. Spray orally. Can spray on affected area.
For Earaches: Apply to a cotton ball and place in the outer ear. Relief for sharp pains between ears and teeth. Lessen pain from an earache going into teeth or eyes, lessen inflammation, relieve pain that feels worse in open air.
6X potency, 1 fluid ounce, GMO free food grade alcohol base.