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Argentum Nit helps with weight loss by helping with sugar cravings and stress eating. Argentum Nit can be taken before sugar cravings hit. Argentum Nit can be used after eating to calm gas, burping, indigestion. Argentum Nit/ Argentum Nitricum calms nervousness and anxiety that causes stress eating. Argentum Nit can be used to promote self-confidence through this trying time. Argentum Nit relieves nervousness, anxiety, insecurity, fears. Argentum Nitricum is abbreviated Argentum Nit and is the Nitrate of Silver. Argentum Nit is useful for inflammation of the nerves, neuritis, numbness and tingling or pains in the arms and legs. Peg in NJ made this comment, "Dear Kathryn: Thanks so much for your wonderful response and informative email. I really do appreciate it and want to learn more about homeopathy. Sometimes it seems so gentle that you wouldn't think it could accomplish anything. My husband took some Argentum on an outing because he was so full of anxiety. He used it for a few days and is now so calm".
Argentum Nit is very helpful for indigestion that includes excessive burping, gas, heartburn, bloating, stomach and abdominal pain. Argentum Nit is useful for indigestion or colitis symptoms that worsen from stress or anticipation of an event. Argentum Nit soothes acid indigestion, colic, headache, lightheadedness. Use Argentum Nit for burning pain in stomach or rectum. Argentum Nit helps with indigestion that is made worse after eating sugar. Economy 1 oz bottle of 800 pellets, 250 doses. 10 times more pellets than multidose tubes.
SUGGESTED DOSE: 3 pellets 3 times a day, or as needed for relief of symptoms.
$26.99 |