Symphytum in stronger 200C potency for bone concerns. Symphytum is used to help heal bone breaks..Symphytum can be added to your health plan for compound fractures that are not healing, or are healing
Symphytum can be used for bone pain, hairline fractures, or stress
fractures. Symphytum's common name is boneset or bone knit. Symphytum promotes bone repair.
Symphytum helps with dull bone pain, and neuralgia in the knees.
Boericke tells us to use Symphytum is unsurpassed for pain in the eye from a
blow or injury.
Symphytum is also used for rashes and hives due to allergies or contact
irritation. Symphytum is from the herb Comfrey and is well known for its
soothing and healing abilities.
Symphytum may also go under the names Symphytum Off, Symphytum Officinale, Symphytum Officinalis.
Pellet base is sucrose and NON-GMO cornstarch.
Suggested dose: 3-5 pellets 2 to 4 times daily, or as directed by your health.provider.