Rhus Tox 30C supports the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system is comprised of bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints and connective tissue. A healthy musculoskeletal syst (more info) |
Ruta Grav is an excellent remedy for pain, weakness, soreness in
the bones, joints, tendons, and cartilage. Ruta Grav benefits degenerative
problems in the knees and other joints. Useful for injured (more info) |
La Grippe Seasonal Influenzinum updated 2024-2025. La Grippe/ Seasonal Influenzinum is a great addition to your
family's health plan. La Grippe is ther original term for Influenza flu. Now (more info) |
Sepia 30C potency for eye health. Sepia is listed for symptoms of floaters, and black spots in the eye. Sepia is listed for eye symptoms of glare, flashes or streaks of light. Use after eyes feel tire (more info) |
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Silicea is used for improving hair, skin and nail health. Silicea in a higher 30C potency for stubborn skin conditions.. Silicea is useful for unhealthy skin, brittle nails and hair, and acne. Silica (more info) |
Sinus Relief Combo for problems with sinus discharge, nasal congestion, sinus infection, post nasal drip. Sinus Combo can help with seasonal or year round symptoms. Get natural help for sinus pressure (more info) |
Skin Renew Combo is a special combination to support healthy
skin. Skin Renew Combo is a blend of important remedies for skin repair. Skin
Renew Combo is a unique formula to Elixirs.com. Skin Renew (more info) |
Sleep and Relax Combo is used for sleeplessness, restlessness, insomnia. Sleep and Relax Combo can help with insomnia after waking up at night, interrupted sleep, and unrefreshed sleep. Get natural he (more info) |
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Slim Combo. 30C potency for stubborn or chronic issues. Retail $23, SALE 30% off, NOW $15.99. Economy 1 oz with 800 pellets - 250 doses. Slim Combo helps with belly fat, fatty pockets with Adipose Tis (more info) |
Use Staph and Strep Combo for stubborn infections. Staph and Strep Combo is potency of Staphylococcinum and Streptococcinum. Staph and Strep Combo is useful for a myriad of problems that follow infect (more info) |
Staphysagria 30C potency for eye symptoms. Staphysagria is listed for inflammation of eyes. Staphysagria is well-known as a stye remedy. Redness in the eyeball. Staphysagria is listed for e (more info) |
Stop Smoking Combo is special formula offered on ELIXIRS.COM for symptoms of tobacco cravings, physical and mental tension, and anxiousness. Stop Smoking includes all the following
homeopathic remedi (more info) |
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The terms Sulphur and Sulfur are synonymous. Sulphur 30C is commonly used to promote healthy skin and hair.
Sulphur is a natural mineral in the body, Sulphur 30C can help you body properly use and re (more info) |
Sulphur is a useful animal remedy for unhealthy skin conditions. Sulphur may be spelled Sulfur. The mineral Sulphur is found in every cell of the body. Sulphur is used to make the animal's skin health (more info) |
Combo supports the immune and lymphatic system. Sulfur Combo can be
added to your health plan for a boost in dealing with inflammations,
infections, congestion, slow healing.Sulphur Combo c (more info) |
Thiosinaminum is a remedy for scarring issues. Internal or external scar tissue. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia lists Thiosinaminum as acting as a solvent for dissolving scar tissue, tumors, stricture (more info) |
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Thuja is a top infection remedy. Thuja or may be spelled or pronounced Thuya is an important ear, foot, skin, nail fungus. Thuja is a must to add to your health plan when dealing with ear, foot, skin, (more info) |
Thuja teams well with other remedies. For animals team with Lyssinum. For humans team with immune remedies. Thuja or may be spelled or pronounced Thuya. Thuja is an important fungus remedy. Thuj (more info) |
Tremor Combo is a blend of four nerve protective remedies for tremor related afflictions. Essential Tremor Combo is a unique formula to Elixirs.com. Tremors are unintentional trembling or shaking of c (more info) |
Urinary Combo is formulated for all ages to support the urinary system for better urinary control. Use Urinary Combo for bedwetting, urinary urgency, leakage, and/or incontinence.Urinary Combo offers (more info) |
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