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Product: GABA 6X economy 1 oz with 800 pellets
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GABA is a neurotransmitter that is found naturally in the body. GABA is used by the brain and improves mood and sense of well-being. GABA relieves depression and calms anxieties. GABA improves impulse control, concentration, memory, clears the mind, improves attention and learning.

Proper levels of GABA improve how you handle stress in the day and relaxes you to sleep well at night.

Using homeopathic GABA 6X can help the uptake of GABA in the system. As a brain/body communicator, GABA balances our judgement and sequential thinking, so is useful with behavioral problems and impulsive behavior such as attention problems- ADHD; conduct disorders - Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD); and anxiety disorder - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).When GABA is low in the brain, impulsive behaviors are less likely to be controlled.

Take GABA 6X for stressful times that leave you feeling overwhelmed and fatigued from work. Use for worry and rumination at bedtime.
If you feel irritable, short-tempered and out-of-control with life's situations, try GABA 6X to help rebuild natural levels of the neurotransmitter. 

GABA is an acronym for Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid. GABA is involved in our level of excitability. This neurotransmitter is important in brain areas involving emotion and anxiety.

When GABA is in the normal range in the brain, we think sequentially. Low levels of GABA are associated with problems of poor impulse control, such as gambling, temper tantrums, and stealing. GABA is our communication controller to keep us thinking logically and not acting out anxieties. GABA 6X can be safely tried for recovery from trauma, PTSD. 

Low levels of GABA are associated with Bipolar Disorder and mania states. With GABA levels below average, the brain is too stimulated and no longer thinking reasonably.

GABA 6X potency in economy 1 oz with 800 pellets for 265 doses. Pellets are lactose free, sucrose and GmO FREE cornstarch base.

Suggested Dose:

One dose, to be taken at one time, is 3 pellets. Take orally, allow pellets to slowly dissolve in the mouth, or under the tongue.

Take one dose nightly for improved sleep. Can use during the day for improved mental clarity. Dosing flyer included with product.

$17.99 Buy GABA 6X economy 1 oz with 800 pellets